
As we stand upright, perceptual afferences are crucial to successfully help generating postural motor commands. Non-Specific Low Back Pain patients frequently demonstrate a lack of proprioceptive acuity, often translating into postural control deficiencies. For the first time, to our knowledge, we studied the postural effects of proprioceptive manipulations in orthograde posture on Non-Specific Low Back Pain patients. Using static posturography recordings, we computed sway speed, speed variance, and the main direction of sway. We also addressed the patient’s subjective feedbacks after being manipulated. Five minutes after the proprioceptive manipulations, our results revealed decreased speed and speed variance outcomes, but the main direction of sway was not modulated. Furthermore, after the proprioceptive manipulations, the patients also self-reported improved clinical outcomes. These findings provide new knowledge opening new fields of research as well as potential treatment strategies in Low Back Pain patients.

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