
training of community health agents in hearing health. to verify the effectiveness of a training program regarding the hearing health of children for Community Health Agents of a Family Health Program. research sample consisted of two groups: Group A, constituted by 31 community health agents, from Bauru, SP, and Group B, constituted by 75 community health agents, from Sorocaba, SP. Training was provided through classes for both groups. For Group A, a text adapted from the material organized by the World Health Organization (2006) was used so that the community health agents could follow the activities in an interactive way. Training focused on the following topics: normal and impaired hearing; types, prevention and causes of hearing loss; procedures to identify and diagnose the hearing impairment and rehabilitation. Pre and post training questionnaires were used to assess the assimilation of the presented content. training demonstrated to be effective, since there was an increase in the overall score when comparing the scores obtained in the pre and post training questionnaires. the results indicate the effectiveness of the training program for community health agents of a Family Health Program with the use of texts and with an interactive approach.

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