
The ombusdsman originated in Sweden as a substitution for the Parliament practiced a role of superintending the administration in its beginning, but now the office operates both as a commissioner of the people and the arbiter between the government and individual and also as an institution aims at the realization of efficient redress and justice. The office is expected to practice a function of disposition of the complaints on the principle of equity with relative ease and promptitude. After the ombudsman had originated in Sweden in 1809 as a Parliamentary commissioner Finland adopted the office in 1920, but the interests in the office became widespread only after the mid-20th century and at present about 50 countries have introduced the institution. In case of our country the Public Grievances Commission thereafter described as PGC), Korean style ombudsman, was inaugurated in 4 April 1994 under the provision of the "Basic Law about Administrative Regulations and Civil Affairs Administration (hereafter described as the "Basic Law.") that has passed in a regular session of the National Assembly of 1993.

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