
Title: Proposal of a Patrimonial Management Process of a campus in a federal teaching autarchy Objective: In the current scenario of the Brazilian public administration managers need to program actions that improve the performance of their internal processes, bypassing the dysfunctions of the bureaucracy and the functional structure paradigm that make it difficult to visualize the organizational processes in a broader context. On the other hand, the patrimonial management, responsible for the monitoring and control of the permanent assets of the organization is not perceived as a strategic activity to reach the finalistic objectives of the institution. In this sense, the adoption of process management allows the understanding of the organizational processes from start to finish, aligning available resources and activities to be performed, seeking to improve their performance, integrating the functional areas, reducing communication problems, rework or other factors that negatively impact the execution of organizational goals. Thus, this work has as general objective to propose a heritage management process on campus of a federal teaching autarchy. Procedures / Method for solving the problem: This study is an applied research, and its qualitative approach is descriptive. The methodological procedures were developed in two stages: to construct the diagnosis of the problem and to propose a solution. For the diagnosis, in addition to the bibliographic research, the survey was used with questionnaire application, and mapping of the current process through documentary research, participant observation and focal group application. To propose a solution, a case study was carried out with a reference institution in the management of movable property through an interview, and the proposed artifact was submitted to the validation of specialists according to the Design Science approach. Results: Among the results, it was evidenced that current patrimonial management does not perform all activities of control and monitoring of the permanent collection, recommended by law, especially in matters involving the conservation and recovery of movable property as well as actions that give destination to the assets of the organ. In addition, the risks associated with the process may adversely affect the achievement of the institution's ultimate objectives, as managers and employees may be held liable for damages that may occur to the public assets. Practical implications: It is believed that the solution is at home. Thus, after the survey of how the current process works, the proposal of an ideal management model for the studied campus was elaborated, through the execution of the activities, clarifying roles and following up and monitoring the performance of the same life cycle of the movable assets is necessary for the development of the means of activities and end of the institution. Originality and contributions: The artifact was constructed thinking of being applied in the institution researched but can serve as a parameter for other public bodies subject to the same legal systems. The knowledge produced will enable the training of the current team or new members to conduct the procedures for managing asset resources and monitoring their performance. The contributions highlighted have adherence to the line of scientific-technological action LACT 3: Competitiveness, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, once the research is focused on the improvement of an organizational process. Technical / Technological Production: The product of this work consists in the proposal of a process for the patrimonial management with presentation of manual containing basic concepts on the subject, flowcharts, detail of the activities and performance indicators associated with the new process. In this way, the artifact produced fits as technical / technological product, referring to Axis 1: Products and Processes. Regarding its applicability, it can be used to improve the current process and be replicated to other campuses or similar organizations. It also consists of a product of medium innovation and medium technological complexity, being the differential, the use of process mapping associated with the current legislation to better understand the patrimonial management and construction of the new process.

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