
The aim of this research was to improve the analysis of risks in construction projects in Egypt through proposing the implementation of FMEA as a risk assessment tool. First, an extensive literature review was conducted to identify the relevant risks in the Egyptian construction industry. Second, a questionnaire survey was carried out to determine the impact, probability, and detection of the identified risk factors according to experts working in the construction sector in Egypt. Third, an analysis of these risks was carried out using traditional PMI’s risk assessment, FMEA, and the integration of fuzzy logic with FMEA fundamentals. The reached results demonstrated that FMEA and risk management are quite similar in different aspects, but FMEA has an additional dimension to PMI’s risk analysis, which is “detection”. Such dimension affects how risks are managed and plays a major role in developing better strategies for controlling and detecting risks. This added depth provides more insights about the project and enables construction parties to make better preparations and decisions in their projects. The findings indicated that FMEA has a significant potential in the construction industry if it is properly applied. Findings of this research are envisaged to promote the application of FMEA as an upgrade to the currently applied PMI’s risk management practice; thus, enhancing the efficiency, visualization, and eventually the decision making.

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