
A virtual private network (VPN) is a network, but a virtual network means that it creates a virtual bridge between the user and the server located somewhere across the world, and this network is private because to connect the connection with it you must have an account and password. The idea of VPN arose to protect its communications from industrial espionage, because there are very easy ways to penetrate a network and steal the information circulating in it. Data transmission encryption protocols and tunneling systems are used in order to secure the transfer of information between two points back and forth, so their data is encrypted and protected. Hacking the VPN is a very dangerous thing because of the importance and privacy of the data. Therefore, special systems must be provided for the VPN to suit the network's work scenarios with high security. In our work, we proposed a private authentication system for the VPN network that provides high security with fast execution and reliability based on two factors authentications: Using the varieties of authentications method, robust VPNs screen everybody who will tries to sign in. An authentication system was designed based on a special user interface that provides an easy environment for choosing two passwords in two different stages of registration and authentication. The proposed system was implemented on Android and iOS devices. The proposed system was evaluated through experiments with 720 participants with 3600 system entry processes, then the proposed system was tested in terms of its ability to break and resistance to different types of attacks. Where it was tested by 1900 attacks at different times with participants who were randomly selected from the main sample of participants during the implementation period of 30 days through using the modern types of mobile devices.

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