
 Abstract—Inclusive Education in Malaysia is not a new agenda. It started in the 1990's in which at the beginning, this movement was focused on the special educational needs (SEN) learners. This movement is in line with the Education Act 1996 and other world declarations related to persons with disabilities (PWDs). For instance, the World's Declaration on Education for All (1992), the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education (1994), as well as Biwako Millenium Framework for Action: Towards an Inclusive, Barrier-Free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific (2002). In addition, the introduction of the Person with Disabilities Act 2008 which highlighted the equal opportunity in education for SEN learners from pre-school up to tertiary level strengthened the inclusive education movement. Despite all, still SEN learners still faced barriers and challenges at universities as when they further their studies at the tertiary level, their welfare and needs are solely within the care of the individual university they enroll in. In this paper, several technologies are proposed as solutions to help SEN learners not only to survive, but also thrive at the tertiary level particularly university. Several options are put forward such as the use of tablets, the improvement of learning management system as well as the utilization of Web 2.0 in teaching and learning.

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