
A website can only be accessed via devices that comes with both GUI which stands for Graphical User Interface and a screen. For this to be done, there must be physical attraction with such devices. This paper presents a speech recognition using web browser (SRWB) which permits browsing or surfing the Internet with the use of a standard voice only and VUL (Vocal User Interface development). The SRWB system input from the users in form of vocal commands and coverts these voice commands to HTTP requests. The SRWB system will sends the voice commands to the web server for processing purposes and when the processing is done, the converted or translated HTTP response is outputted to the end users in a voice format made audible with the attached loudspeakers. The system uses the Speech Application Programming Interface which is known in short as SAPI. SAPI which was developed by Microsoft allows SRWB to be used in the Windows applications. This algorithm is implemented by the system to achieve its target over content of the web to classify, analyse and send back important part of web pages to the end users. Speech recognition is used for controlling web browsers and applets, enhancing the internet, and filling out forms in numerous ways. Through speech synthesis, web pages are brought back to live, reduces audio that are sent over the internet. SRWB has many applications such as assisting the blind people to make use of the internet via speech and hearing. It will help both the young children and people with disability who can’t operate a keyboard to use the internet by just speaking. It grants enablement to people to interface the website contents through oral or audio commands instead of using a keyboard. For this system Microsoft access and SQL were used as databases while Visual Basic.NET was the programming environment used for developing and designing. SRWB is very easy to use, visually independent and can be used by anyone that is not computer literate.

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