
A literature search was used to verify the relevance of the nursing diagnoses Sexual Dysfunction and Ineffective Sexuality Patterns to their titles and to determine whether their defining characteristics address biological, psychological, and social aspects involving human sexuality. This nonexperimental, descriptive study utilized content analysis based on a bibliographic review and nurse expert analysis of the definitions of the nursing diagnoses being studied in terms of the adequacy of the titles and their respective definitions as proposed by NANDA. The title Sexual Dysfunction is pertinent; however, based upon the results of this study, the definition and defining characteristics should address the three human sexual response phases: desire, excitation, and orgasm. The title and definition of Ineffective Sexuality Patterns should be maintained; however, based upon the findings of this study, psychosocial aspects of sexuality should be included in the defining characteristics of this diagnosis. RECOMMENDATIONS. The location of Sexual Dysfunction in domain 8 (Sexuality) and class 2 (Sexual Function) is appropriate. It is recommended that Ineffective Sexuality Patterns remain in domain 8, but it should be transferred to class 1, as it refers to Sexual Identity.

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