
Energy and water crises is very severe issue in Pakistan due to increase in population. Demand is increasing day by day and now a days cost of electricity generation and scarcity of water are major concerns. Cost of electricity generation is high in Pakistan as compare to other Asian countries. Geographical position of Pakistan has potential of about 1.748 GWh per year from renewable energy resources. But only 2% demand of electricity is fulfilling from renewable energy resources. Solar energy has the greatest potential in Pakistan. Different installing techniques can be used for acquiring energy from the sun. Now a days Canal top power plant is common trending technique. Most of Thermal power plants are located near the bank of canals in Pakistan. Paper proposed a location and structure that canal top power plant should be mounted near the thermal power plants. This idea will save the evaporation of water from canal, cost of transmission line and Grid station and will save space on the ground. Electricity from solar power plant will integrate with transmission line and grid available for thermal power plant. Almost 9 million litter water will save annually by installing 1MW solar power plant on canal.

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