
Serayu Kopi is a food and beverage business that sells food and beverages, especially those made from coffee. Serayu Kopi was founded in 2017 with a vision to become a cafe that serves high quality food and drinks from local ingredients. Currently, Serayu Kopi has 18 employees to support its operational activities. Currently, Serayu Kopi is facing a problem where there is a very significant decline in sales from 2020. This is because the promotional mix has not been maximized to achieve sales targets. The author conducts internal and external analysis to reach the root cause of the Serayu Kopi problem. The internal analysis carried out is the current marketing strategy and the resource and capability framework. From the results of the internal analysis, it was found that the promotional mix carried out by Serayu was not optimal to achieve its target. The author conducted an external analysis consisting of PESTLE, Competitor analysis, and consumer analysis. From the results of the competitor analysis, it was found that competitors did a better promotional mix than Serayu. From the results of consumer analysis, researchers used the SEM PLS application in processing questionnaires and it was found that the target market of Serayu only chose 3 variables from Integrated Marketing Communications that were suitable for visit Intentions, namely: Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Personal Selling. These 3 variables are considered by consumers to be the main key in increasing Visit Intention. The results of the study reveal that the root cause of the decline in sales at Serayu Kopi is the gap between integrated marketing communications that are being carried out with expectations from consumers and promotions carried out by competitors. Therefore, the author gives two suggestions, namely improvements to integrated marketing communications that focus on 3 variables that are significantly related to visit intention, namely: Advertising, Sales Promotion and Personal Selling; and reducing the cost of production in order to maximize the profits found in running sales promotions.

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