
KB Kupu-Kupu and TK Harapan Bunda are early childhood education institutions located in Sepinggan Pratama Complex, Balikpapan, East of Kalimantan. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, they suffer from the declining number of students in the school. This research intended to find the internal and external factors which are affected the performance of KB Kupu-Kupu and TK Harapan Bunda. The internal factors are obtained by analyzing the general environment, industrial environment, and competitor analysis. The resource analysis and value chain analysis were performed to obtain the internal factors. This research employed a qualitative approach. The primary data were collected through observation and interviews. While secondary data are collected through reports, journals, news, brochure, article, website, and social media. The novelty of this research is the utilization of the Holistic Marketing approach, everything matters connected with resources and activities. The SWOT quantification was performed to choose the significant factors of strength, weakness, opportunity, and the threat of KB Kupu-Kupu and TK Harapan Bunda, and to assess the dominant factors which determined the appropriate corporate strategy. The TOWS matrix was performed to formulate the functional strategies. Based on the analysis, the appropriate corporate strategy for KB Kupu-Kupu and TK Harapan Bunda is growth, the proposed business strategy is differentiation, and marketing strategies are proposed through the 4P marketing mix (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place).

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