
Introduction. The article defines and classifies crowdfunding (collective financing), defines the relationship between such notions as crowdfunding and crowdlending (mutual lending). It considers the issues of mutual lending between individuals, the legal aspects of mutual lending between individuals. The Russian Law № 419090-7 “On alternative ways of attracting investment (crowdfunding) “ is analyzed. The paper offers proposals to improve legislation in order to develop crowdlending relations where borrowers and investors are individuals as well as different possible measures to enhance the effectiveness of mutual crediting. Materials and methods . The methodological basis of the research consists of the following methods: general scientific methods, such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction as a whole, analogy, and special scientific methods, such as a method of comparative law and a method of complex research. Findings. As a result of the research, several of the most common crowdfunding classifications are considered. It has been revealed that crowdfunding is a more general concept, crowlending is one of the forms of crowdfunding. It is proposed that specific measures should be taken to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of mutual lending (crowdlending), such as: 1. to include the definition of the concept of mutual lending between individuals in the crowdfunding bill; 2. to provide operators with access to the credit history bureaus and enable them to make and receive records; to improve existing legislation for these purposes; 3. to keep in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation a separate registry with minimum requirements for bona fide operators working in the sphere of mutual lending with individual borrowers and investors; 4. to enable operators working in the sphere of mutual lending with individual borrowers and investors to open nominal accounts, that is to add a clause to the draft law or issue instructions from the Bank of Russia to banks obliging them to open nominal accounts with such operators. Conclusions. The adoption of proposed measures will make it possible to increase effectiveness of mutual lending (crowdlending) as an alternative way of attracting investments.


  • The article defines and classifies crowdfunding, defines the relationship between such notions as crowdfunding and crowdlending. It considers the issues of mutual lending between individuals, the legal aspects of mutual lending between individuals

  • The paper offers proposals to improve legislation in order to develop crowdlending relations where borrowers and investors are individuals as well as different possible measures to enhance the effectiveness of mutual crediting

  • To enable operators working in the sphere of mutual lending with individual borrowers and investors to open nominal accounts, that is to add a clause to the draft law or issue instructions from the Bank of Russia to banks obliging them to open nominal accounts with such operators

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Анастасия Уварова*

В статье даются определение и классификация краудфандинга (коллективного финансирования, соотношение понятий краудфандинг и краудлендинг (взаимное кредитование). Выдвигаются предложения по совершенствованию законодательства в целях развития краудлендинговых отношений, где заёмщиками и инвесторами выступают физические лица. В результате проведенного исследования рассмотрены несколько наиболее распространенных классификаций краудфандинга. Что краудфандинг – более общее понятие, краудлендинг является одной из форм краудфандинга. Предлагается принятие конкретных мер по совершенствованию законодательства Российской Федерации в сфере взаимного кредитования (краудлендинга): 1. Включение в законопроект о краудфандинге определения понятия взаимного кредитования между физическими лицами. 3. Ведение в ЦБ РФ отдельного реестра с минимальными требованиями для добросовестных операторов в сфере взаимного кредитования, работающих с заемщиками и инвесторами физическими лицами. 4. Предоставление операторам взаимного кредитования между физическими лицами возможности открытия номинальных счетов, а именно: внесение в законопроект оговорки об этом либо издание указания Банка России банкам, обязывающее их открывать номинальные счета таким операторам

Materials and methods
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