
The second World Conference on Human Rights to be held in Vienna from 14 to 25 June 1993 has the chance of making use of the increased commitment to human rights, of many governments in both the North and the South for the goal of strengthening the UN human rights mechanisms by means of far-reaching reforms. In this article proposals are presented for improving the UN human rights program. The main features of the proposals are the transformation of the Trusteeship Council into a Human Rights Council with an overall mandate for the promotion, protection, prevention and enforcement of human rights; the establishment of a new Human Rights Commission, composed of independent experts, as the main UN body responsible for identifying future human rights violations and making recommendations to the Council for efficient preventive action. Situations of gross and systematic violations of human rights, identified as such by the Human Rights Council should in all cases be regarded as matters falling within the competence of the Security Council and requiring enforcement actions by that body. Other proposals concern a consolidated reporting procedure before an enlarged Human Rights Committee and the examination of individual and inter-State complaints by a UN Court of Human Rights. Furthermore, the creation of an International Criminal Court with a general jurisdiction for all crimes under international law and the establishment of a Special Commissioner for Human Rights is suggested. This Commissioner, in addition to carrying out human rights documentation, research, training and a development cooperation programme, should be entrusted with an independent mandate to initiate procedures for the prevention, protection and enforcement of human rights.

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