
ABSTRACTThe mode of division of vegetative cells, formation of spermatangial parent cells, initiation of the carpogonial branch apparatus, and formation of tetrasporangial initials are homologous developmental processes that are documented for the first time in the type species of the economically important family Gracilariaceae, Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss from the British Isles. G. verrucosa is characterized by a supporting cell of intercalary origin that bears a 2‐celled carpogonial branch flanked by two sterile branches, direct fusion of cells of sterile branches onto the carpogonium, formation of an extensive carpogonial fusion cell through the incorporation of additional gametophytic cells prior to gonimoblast initiation, gonimoblast initials produced from fusion cell lobes, schizogenous development of the cytocarp cavity, inner gonimoblast cells producing tubular nutritive cells that fuse with cells of the pericarp or floor of the cystocarp, absence of cytologically modified tissue in the floor of the cystocarp, and carposporangial initials produced in clusters or irregular chains. Spermatangial parent cells are generated in flaments from intercalary cortical cells that line an intercellular space forming a ‘pit’ or ‘conceptacle’. Tetrasporangial initials are transformed from terminal cells derived through division of an outer cortical cell. Tetrasporangia are cruciately divided.The Gracilariaceae is removed from Gigartinales and transferred to the new order Gracilariales. Their closest living relatives appear to be agarophytes belonging to the Gelidiales and Ahnfeltiales.

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