
AbstractThe present work concerns the development of a procedure to determine background values of metals and metalloids in soils of sites of national interest that are subjected to characterization and remediation. The proposed calculation procedure allows to select in metal-metalloid data-set, the representative parameters of site-specific pollution sources. It allows to identify anthropogenic concentration of substances in the soil resulting both natural pedo-geochemical content and moderate widespread immission in soil. The statistical analysis was performed in samples set of topsoil, soil and underground soil. Chemical tests were carried out on all parameters of metals and metalloids present in samples. This work has analized parameters, as As and Be, which have passed statistical test “Shapiro e Wilk” (W test) with contamination “hot spot” of anthropogenic, respect to a large area of substantially homogeneous values. Specifically, this study focuses on area adjacent to perimeter of site of national ...

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