
Among the challenges faced by regulatory authorities in the water sector, the large number of municipal supply services to be inspected and the cost of on-site inspections are prominent. To overcome these issues, decisions regarding the priority of inspections based on indicators is an alternative. Therefore, this research aims to propose and evaluate the Regulatory Index of Quality of Water Supply Service (RIQS) to triage on-site inspections of water supply systems in cities of the state of Minas Gerais. The study was conducted with information from the Regulatory Agency of Water Supply and Sanitation Services of Minas Gerais (Arsae-MG). The methodology followed seven steps: (i) selection of available indicators; (ii) grouping of indicators according to their typology; (iii) screening of indicators; (iv) establishment of standardized scale; (v) evaluation of the relative importance of typologies and indicators, through the adaptation of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP); (vi) determination of the RIQS; and (vii) analysis of results. As a result, we selected 12 indicators to compose the RIQS, which deal with efficiency, effectiveness, and customer relationship. We noticed that the indicator of water supply service coverage (17.2%) had the highest weight in the calculation of the RIQS, and the index of requests for an inspection of the water connection served on time (2.1%) had the lowest weight. In addition, 95.1% of the 591 municipalities evaluated presented excellent or good performance. Based on these results, we show that the RIQS can be used to identify cities with low performance and prioritize inspections in the most urgent water systems. Furthermore, these outcomes reveal the possibility of extending and adapting the methodology to other regulatory agencies around the world for identifying the priority of inspections in water supply systems at a municipal level.

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