
Due to manufacturing cost and portability limitations, the computing power, storage capacity, and energy of the Internet of Things (IoT) hardware are still slowly developing. From above, the proposed security system based on encryption must consider the resources, time, memory used, and the lifespan of related sensors. In addition, some applications need simple encryption, especially after the emergence of IoT and the Web of Things (WoT). Providing solutions suitable for resource-constrained devices can be achieved by using lightweight cryptography. In this paper, building a framework that includes proposals for producing lightweight security algorithms for cryptography primitives was highly recommended. For the block cipher, some suggestions have been applied to an example of block encryption, Advance Encryption Standard 128 (AES-128), to produce lightweight AES-128. For lightweight stream cipher, the system applied the proposals on Ronald Rivest Cryptography algorithms (RC4). Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm is used to produce a lightweight asymmetric cipher by key partition and using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) in the decryption process to produce a lightweight RSA algorithm. Several proposals have been used for hash functions, the most important of which is reducing the number of rounds and simplifying the functions in SHA-256. Depending on the proposed framework, all the produced lightweight algorithms passed the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical tests for test randomness. The produced algorithms showed better processing time than standard algorithms, less memory usage for a lightweight version of each standard algorithm, and higher throughput than standard algorithms.

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