
Introduction: Occupational Therapy works to achieve a higher level of functionality during ageing, trying to alleviate balance and mobility difficulties, for which we can use ICTs. Virtual reality is a tool that can be used in rehabilitation to train specific motor skills or cognitive functions through simulated environments. Objective: To develop and make an intervention plan for older adults with balance and gait disorders available to the occupational therapy discipline, using virtual reality glasses ‘Oculus Quest’ as a therapeutic tool. Methodology: The ‘Oculus Quest’ tool for occupational therapy in active ageing is described. A systematic search was carried out in Scielo, Dialnet, Cochrane, ScienceDirect and PubMed, applying a language restriction to articles in English and Spanish. Results: According to the bibliography study, an occupational therapy intervention proposal was designed using the “Oculus Quest” VR goggles to improve balance and gait disorders in the elderly. Conclusion: VR brings multiple benefits to improving balance and gait in active ageing, although more research is needed in this field. The program that has been developed provides occupational therapists with a tool that is very useful in interventions for active ageing. Combining conventional therapies with VR can bring modernity and motivation to users.

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