
Recent observations of anomalous angular correlations of electron–positron pairs in several nuclear reactions have indicated the existence of a hypothetical neutral boson of rest mass ~17 MeV/c2, called the X17 particle. Similarly, one has interpreted an independent set of experiments on photon pair spectra around the invariant mass ~38 MeV/c2, by assuming the existence of the so-called E38 particle. In the present paper, we derive analytical mass formulas for the X17 particle and the E38 particle, on the basis of quantum electrodynamics. We shall use the exact solutions of the Dirac equation of the joint system of a charged particle and plane waves of the quantized electromagnetic radiation. When these solutions are applied to a proton, they lead to dressed radiation quanta with a rest mass of 17.0087 MeV/c2, which may be identified with the X17 vector bosons. A similar consideration, applied to the udd quarks of the neutron, yields dressed quanta, whose mass equals 37.9938 MeV/c2, corresponding to the E38 particle. These formulas, besides the Sommerfeld fine structure constant and the masses of the nucleons, do not contain any adjustable parameters. The present analysis also delivers the value 0.846299 fm for the proton radius.

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