
Companies currently consider human capital a key element for organizational development, derived from the COVID pandemic that was faced in the world. All sectors were affected and the manufacturing industry was no exception, in Mexico such a situation was similar. Only in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico, in July 2020, 16,400 jobs were lost due to the impact of the value chain and mobility restriction; therefore, the objective of this research is to propose a human capital model enabling to explain the factors that contribute to the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry in the Hidalgo highlands. This study is of a quantitative type with a correlational scope, focusing on people who are incorporated into manufacturing companies in the Hidalgo highlands, and the type of sampling used is stratified probabilistic. The findings in this investigation are significant since the hypothesis that affirms the relationship between the marital status of the participants and competitiveness (0.000 in P) is accepted, in the same way the dependency between the factors of seniority and intention. Regarding the relationship of the competitiveness factor with the personal and group factors, they are significant (p<0.05) and positive, that is, the higher the value of the personal and group factors, the higher the value of the competitiveness factor, the strength of the relationships is significant because they are greater than 0.70. Based on this, the human capital model is proposed, which recommends generating personal growth opportunities for employees, influencing the competitiveness of the organization. The novelty of the study is that a dependency between the age of the collaborators and personal, group, competitiveness and organizational intention factors can be affirmed with 95% confidence. Keywords : manufacturing sector, human capital, model, competitiveness. https://doi.org/10.55463/issn.1674-2974.50.2.24

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