
Objective. Improvement of the surgical treatment results in esophageal cancer.
 Маterials and methods. Results of surgical treatment of 43 patients, having cancer of middle and lower thirds of the esophagus, were analyzed. Lewis operation was performed in 38 patients, and Garlock operation – in 5. Circular suture stapler with second row of a П-like manual sutures was applied in 28 patients. In 15 patients anastomosis was formatted, using hand-sewn two-row suture. The method of anastomosing choice had depended upon local and general factors: the tumor localization, the esophageal wall changes in anastomotic site, degree of the water-electrolyte disorders, the protein balance, concurrent pathology. Prophylaxis of postoperative morbidity consisted of preoperative correction of laboratory indices, treatment of concurrent pathology, choice of the anastomosis formation method, postoperative intensive therapy.
 Results. Postoperative complications had occurred in 1 (2.3%) patient. Mostly frequent postoperative complication after resection for esophageal cancer constitute insufficiency of esophago-gastric anastomosis, which occurs under impact of general and local factors. General factors: disorders of the blood circulation, caused by cardiac insufficiency, hypoxia due to pulmonary insufficiency, coagulopathy, disorders of the protein and water-electrolyte metabolism. Reduction of influence of general factors on the postoperative morbidity occurrence was achieved using the intensive preoperative preparation conduction.
 Conclusion. The postoperative morbidity prevention turns effective while its accomplishment on all stages of treatment: during preoperative preparation, intraoperatively and postoperatively.


  • Lewis operation was performed in 38 patients

  • like manual sutures was applied in 28 patients

  • Prophylaxis of postoperative morbidity consisted of preoperative correction of laboratory indices

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Операцією вибору при пухлинах середньої і нижньої третин стравоходу є його резекція з одночасною езофагопластикою шлунковим трансплантатом (операції Гарлока і Льюїса) [1, 2]. У хворих, які звертаються за допомогою, часто констатують кахексію, гіповолемію, гіпопротеїнемію внаслідок тривалого порушення харчування, зумовленого дисфагією та пухлинною інтоксикацією [2]. Мета дослідження: покращення результатів хірургічного лікування хворих із раком стравоходу.

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