
Patients with longstanding chronic ulcerative proctocolitis are at risk to develop colorectal cancer Conflicting views as regards surveillance, the indications for surgery and type of preventive procedure exist. For permanent prevention of cancer development complete removal of all potential malignant colorectal mucosa has to be done. Panprocto-colectomy with a conventional ileostomy or continent ileostomy removing all colorectal mucosa should therefore eliminate further risks of colorectal cancer.Colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis is a controversial issue. While many surgeons today are reluctant to use the technique, emphasising the persistent cancer risk, others consider the operation a viable alternative when used on a selective basis. The long-term risk of cancer in the rectal stump is the main strong argument.In restorative proctocolectomy, i.e. proctocolectomy with construction of an ileopouch anal anastomosis residual rectal mucosa is left behind irrespective of technique used and is therefore at risk for cancer development. Quite a few cancers have been reported to occur in these patients but controversy exists as regards the origin of these tumours but the risk for cancer development is very low.Biopsies from ileal pouches demonstrate various histopathological changes from nearly normal mucosa, to inflammation and atrophy, inflammatory cell changes, dysplasia as well as development of carcinoma. Grading of type and atypia is a challenge to reproduce and requires the participation of experienced gastrointestinal histopathologists.

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