
The responsiveness of BALB/c mice to protective i.v. immunization with 150,000-rad irradiated or heat-killed Leishmania major promastigotes can be totally suppressed by prior subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of the same "vaccine." Induction of this effect is leishmania specific for although prevention of protection against L. major infection can be obtained with either homologous or Leishmania donovani promastigotes, it does not follow s.c. administration of an immunogenic Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote preparation. Multiple s.c. injections of irradiated L. major promastigotes do not inhibit the subsequent antibody response of any major isotype to i.v. immunization, but rather induce some priming. The same s.c. injections induced delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactivity that could be transferred locally or systemically, although it was weaker than in mice with cured infections. Parallel cell-mediated immunity (CMI) responses were also reflected in vitro in specific lymphocyte transformation assays. Despite this evidence of a DTH/helper type of T cell response, transfer of 5 X 10(7) viable T cell-enriched spleen cells from 4 X s.c. immunized donors to normal recipients completely abrogated the protective response to i.v. immunization. Conversely, T cell-depleted (anti-Thy-1.2 + C treated) cells were without effect. The inhibitory T cells were defined by monoclonal antibody pretreatment as possessing an Lyt-1+2-,L3T4+ phenotype. T cells from s.c. immunized donors were also shown, by mixed transfer experiments, to counteract completely the protective effect of T cells from i.v. immunized donors in 550-rad irradiated recipients. They were as potent as suppressor T cells from donors with progressive disease both in this capacity and in abrogating the prophylactic effect of sublethal irradiation itself. The similarities and differences between suppressor and immune effector T cells induced by s.c. or i.v. immunization and those arising in response to leishmanial infection itself are discussed.

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