
Promoting positive politeness is a fundamental criterion for the selection of textbooks and teaching materials in the global context. The objective of this study was to ascertain and elucidate the prophetic education values present in Indonesian language textbooks for seventh-grade junior high school students, with a specific focus on their alignment with positive politeness. The aim was to aid students in the cultivation of their character. The research topic explores the impact of prophetic education values on the feature of humanization in Indonesian textbooks. The principal methodology employed was the descriptive qualitative method. The data were gathered through the utilization of read-marker and note techniques and assessed utilizing heuristic and Grice's means-end politeness procedures. The data was also analyzed using referential pragmatic politeness analysis. The study's findings uncovered a range of interconnected prophetic education values related to the humanization aspect of positive politeness. The achievement of humanization was accomplished by the establishment of a social framework that emphasized the virtues of kindness, honesty, tolerance, and politeness. This study proposes that prophetic principles can be utilized to foster civility and enhance educational attributes in the global era.

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