
One of the elements of Indonesian Islam that plays a strategic role in developing Islam Indonesia rahmatan lil 'alamin is the State Islamic Higher Education or PTKIN. The dynamics of Islam in Indonesia increasingly reveals in the era of the 1960s and decades of the 70s when institutionally the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia released PTKIN with the form of the Institute that developed the discipline of Religious Knowledge in the form of various Faculties. From here later also developed variants of the state Islamic Higher School and the State Islamic University with the development of study areas outside the religious discipline. The existence of PTKIN is important to be observed amid the dynamics of social challenge and the issue of rapid social change. One of them is related to the rise of violence, communal conflict, and religious radicalism. The fundamental problem that focuses on this paper is related to how Islamic Higher Education [PTKIN] plays the important role in the context of the dynamics change, how to face the violence and religious fundamentalism today, and what is the root of violence and religious conflict. Hereinafter review the significance of the presence of PTKIN and the prophetic source of Islamic moderation of PTKIN. The universalism and openness of the Islamic treasury of PTKIN become the main reference of an open, dynamic and tolerant Islam. Islam developed in PTKIN became a mecca of Islamic development in Indonesia. To this day PTKIN remains one of the most strategic and systematic cultural Institution in developing Islam rahmatan lil alamin. Place a nursery of values and build an open religious outlook and appreciate the differences.

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