
The current study atlempts at spotlightinga set of pragmatic phenomena included in the quranic verses related to prophet essa. This is done by rnetorical analysis of these verses making use of the modern view of pragmatics . the study seeks to uncover certain phenomena starting with the defintion of pragmatics , moving toits origin and formation . the study also discusses topics such as the functional content of pragmatics and rhetoric , verbal verbs theory ‘ Arabic rhetoric‘ and pragmatics in the old Arabic heritage . the study then shifts to the practical phase as it studies the techniqnes of affermation , interogation, command , and negativecommand ‘the latter includes topics as diversion from past to future‘‘apostrophe ‘anastrophe‘ ‘elision ‘ circumlocution ‘ wholeanddetail ‘ and epanodos . simile , metaphor‘ and Metonymy and innuendo


  • The current study atlempts at spotlightinga set of pragmatic phenomena included in the quranic verses related to prophet essa

  • This is done by rnetorical analysis of these verses making use of the modern view of pragmatics . the study seeks to uncover certain phenomena starting with the defintion of pragmatics, moving toits origin and formation . the study discusses topics such as the functional content of pragmatics and rhetoric, verbal verbs theory ‘ Arabic rhetoric‘ and pragmatics in the old Arabic heritage . the study shifts to the practical phase as it studies the techniqnes of affermation, interogation, command, and negativecommand ‘the latter includes topics as diversion from past to future‘‘apostrophe ‘anastrophe‘ ‘elision ‘ circumlocution ‘ wholeanddetail ‘ and epanodos . simile, metaphor‘ and Metonymy and innuendo

  • ‫الذم يبدع النص م ارعيان الكضع التخاطبي كالجك العاـ لمخطاب كما يكتنفو مف دكافع كمؤث ارت ‪،‬‬ ‫كمنيا ما يخص المتمقي أك السامع بكصفو مفككان ليذا الخطاب بما يمتمكو مف معرفة كثقافة تعينو‬ ‫عمى فيمو كاد اركو ‪ .‬قاؿ تعالى‪َ :‬ولَقَْد آتَْيَنا ُمو َسى اْل ِكتَا َب َوقَ َفّْيَنا ِمن َب ْعِد ِه ِبالر ُسِل َوآتَْيَنا ِعي َسى‬ ‫اْب َن َمْرَيَم اْلَبِّيَنا ِت َوأََّيْدَناهُ ِبُرو ِح اْلقُُد ِس أَفَُكَمّ َما َجاء ُكْم َر ُسو ٌل ِب َما لاَ تَ ْيَوى أَنفُ ُس ُكُم ا ْستَْكَبْرتُْم فَفَِريقاً‬ ‫َكَّذْبتُْم َوفَِريقاً تَ ْقتُمُو َن‪{ ‬البقرة ‪ }ٖٕ/‬فالاقتضاء التداكل ٌي يؤكد معرفة أسباب نزكؿ الآية؛ لمعرفة‬ ‫السياقات التداكلية كتكضيحيا كأثر المقاـ الخارج ٌي ليذا الخطاب ‪ ،‬فيطالعنا الخطاب الق آرن ٌي بقكلو‬ ‫(أَفَُكَمّ َما َجاء ُكْم) إذ " قدـ الظرؼ للاىتماـ ‪ ،‬كىذا يب ٍعيد تداكلً ُّي ‪ ،‬ككضح السياؽ صفة أخرل مف‬ ‫صفات الييكد ‪،‬عبر عنيا بفعؿ كلامي غير مباشر ىك الاعجاب الذم يتصؼ بو ىؤلاء‬

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