
Conditions were defined which extract more than 90% of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) seed proteins. Sedimentation profiles of whole seed extract from winged bean, soybean, and common bean (variety “Kintokimame”) at various pHs and ionic strengths were compared, because winged bean and soybean are resemble each other closely in their protein- and lipid-rich nature, and winged bean and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) are thought to be of nearly related families. However, a clear dissimilarity of their “6 to 7S” component(s), one of the main storage proteins in the three beans, was represented. Two main peaks of winged bean protein by Sepharose 6B chromatography were shown to correspond to the “6.5S” and “2.5S” components. Extrapolated s20, w, or of the “6.5S” component seemed to have no practical meaning because the actual structure of the “6.5S” protein distilled water or very low ionic concentrations were altered discontinuously from the usual patterns. Further purification of the “6.5S” comp...

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