
Abstract This is Part I of a study that characterizes several bulk properties of ice particle populations sampled in midlatitude and tropical cirrus and deep stratiform ice clouds, for the purpose of developing an understanding of how particles evolve in ice clouds and to derive empirical and analytical relationships that describe microphysical properties for use in cloud and climate models. The effort focuses on describing the microphysical properties of ice cloud layers in the vertical. The size distribution data and particle imagery were obtained during Lagrangian spiral descents and balloon-borne ascents through cloud layers that formed in association with synoptic-scale lifting (midlatitude) and deep convection (Tropics). Temperatures ranged between −20° and −63°C for the midlatitude clouds and between 0° and −50°C for the tropical clouds. Optical depths spanned the range 0.4–7 for the midlatitude clouds and 20–30 for the tropical clouds. This part of the study characterizes median mass diameter (Dm)...

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