
In this paper, we studied the influence of zinc-containing technological additives on partial replacement of zinc oxide and stearic acid on deformation-strength and performance properties of tire elastomeric compositions based on polyisoprene rubber and combination of oil-filled butadiene-styrene and polybutadiene rubbers. It was revealed that partial replacement of zinc oxide and stearic acid with zinc-containing technological additives does not significantly affect the basic physico-mechanical properties of rubbers based on synthetic rubbers of general use. It was determined that the introduction of zinc-containing technological additives SCC2 in combination with zinc oxide in all the studied ratios and SCC3 in combination with zinc oxide in 4: 1 and 3: 1 ratios leads to increase (up to 10.4%) of the resistance of these rubbers under the action of temperature-force fields, which is probably due to a more even distribution of polar components of curing system in non-polar elastomeric matrix, as well as the type of cross-links formed during vulcanization under the action of surface-active additives. It has been found that the introduction of zinc-containing additives into the elastomeric compositions based on SRMS-30 ARKM-15 + SRD in combination with zinc oxide leads to increase to 6.3% of wear resistance of rubbers, which may be due to a lower defectiveness of vulcanization structure of these rubbers, concentration of stress centers in the material. For rubbers based on SRI-3, preservation of bond strength of rubber with a textile cord at a sufficiently high level is shown.


  • Для резин на основе СКМС-30 АРКМ-15 + СКД введение технологических добавок СЦС2 и СЦС3 в состав резиновых смесей во всех соотношениях с оксидом цинка в меньшей мере оказывает влияние на изменения прочностных свойств вулканизатов по сравнению с добавками «Вулкатив» и СЦС1

  • КРИТЕРИЙ АВТОРСТВАCONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare no conflict of interest

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Свойства шинных резин с цинкосодержащими технологическими добавками

Изучено влияние цинкосодержащих технологических добавок при частичной замене оксида цинка и стеариновой кислоты на деформационно-прочностные и эксплуатационные свойства шинных эластомерных композиций на основе полиизопренового каучука и комбинации маслонаполненного бутадиен-стирольного и полибутадиенового каучуков. Что частичная замена оксида цинка и стеариновой кислоты на цинкосодержащие технологические добавки не оказывает значительного влияния на основные физико-механические показатели резин на основе синтетических каучуков общего назначения. Summary.In this paper, we studied the influence of zinc-containing technological additives on partial replacement of zinc oxide and stearic acid on deformation-strength and performance properties of tire elastomeric compositions based on polyisoprene rubber and combination of oil-filled butadiene-styrene and polybutadiene rubbers. It has been found that the introduction of zinc-containing additives into the elastomeric compositions based on SRMS-30 ARKM-15 + SRD in combination with zinc oxide leads to increase to 6.3% of wear resistance of rubbers, which may be due to a lower defectiveness of vulcanization structure of these rubbers, concentration of stress centers in the material.

Для цитирования
Результаты и обсуждение
Оксид цинка Zinc охidе
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