
Afferent input from barosensitive receptors, including carotid baroreceptors and cardiac mechanoreceptors, has been found to produce different types of discharge patterns in neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). The discharge patterns of the neurons may be dependent on many factors, including input from the different barosensitive receptor subtypes, the contribution of different ionotropic glutamate receptors [NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) versus nonNMDA receptors] in transmission of the input, effects of different neuropeptide neurotransmitters/neuromodulators on afferent transmission, or the order of the neuron within the barosensitive reflex arc. It is not clear if the roles of the glutamate receptor subtypes are the same for neurons activated by the different barosensitive inputs. In addition, the amount of afferent input from the barosensitive receptors, due to increases or decreases in stimulating pressures, may result in altering the roles of the ionotropic glutamate receptor subtypes. While most evidence suggests that nonNMDA receptors play the greatest role in the transmission of afferent activity to second-orders NTS neurons, it is possible that increases in afferent input may lead to an enhanced role for NMDA receptors in the transmission of the barosensitive input, since increased depolarization of the NTS neurons may lead to removal of a Mg2+ block of the NMDA channel. Transmission of baroreceptor input at third- and higher-order neurons has been found to involve both nonNMDA and NMDA receptors, suggesting a possible functional role for the distribution of these receptor types. The roles of these different factors in the initiation of NTS neuronal discharge will be discussed.

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