
We derive photometric, structural and dynamical evolution-related parameters of five as yet unstudied low-contrast open clusters located in the third quadrant using 2MASS data. The target clusters are Czernik 31, Czernik 32, Haffner 9, Haffner 11 and Trumpler 13. We apply a statistical field-star decontamination procedure to infer on the intrinsic colour–magnitude diagram (CMD) morphology which is critical for such low-contrast objects. Consequently, it became possible to derive accurate reddening, age, distance from the Sun and Galactocentric distance for the five clusters. In the structural and luminosity/mass-function analyses we apply a colour-magnitude filter which encompasses the cluster evolutionary CMD sequences and excludes stars with discrepant colours. Using this procedure we derive core and limiting radii, mass function (MF) slope, total mass, mass density and relaxation time. We derive ages in the range 140–1100 Myr, Galactocentric distances within 7.7–11.4 kpc, and total masses within 360–2900 $M_\odot$. Reflecting large-scale mass segregation, the MF slope in the core is significantly flatter than that in the halo of the five clusters. Although some of the present clusters are relatively younger than the Gyr-old clusters, they present evidence of advanced dynamical evolution. This kind of study has become possible because of the photometric uniformity and spatial coverage of 2MASS which allows a proper subtraction of the field-star contamination on the target CMDs. The present study indicates that low-contrast clusters can be studied with 2MASS, particularly after field-star subtraction, which is important since most of the unstudied open clusters belong to this class.

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