
Weyl's formulation of quantum mechanics opened the possibility of studying the dynamics of quantum systems both in infinite-dimensional and finite-dimensional systems. Based on Weyl's approach, generalized by Schwinger, a self-consistent theoretical framework describing physical systems characterized by a finite-dimensional space of states has been created. The used mathematical formalism is further developed by adding finite-dimensional versions of some notions and results from the continuous case. Discrete versions of the continuous Gaussian functions have been defined by using the Jacobi theta functions. We continue the investigation of the properties of these finite Gaussians by following the analogy with the continuous case. We study the uncertainty relation of finite Gaussian states, the form of the associated Wigner quasi-distribution and the evolution under free-particle and quantum harmonic oscillator Hamiltonians. In all cases, a particular emphasis is put on the recovery of the known continuous-limit results when the dimension d of the system increases.

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