
ABSTRACT Feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) has proven to be a critical ingredient in the current picture of galaxy assembly and growth. However, observational constraints on AGN-driven outflows face technical challenges and as a result, the cold molecular gas outflow properties of type-1 AGN are not well known. We present new IRAM NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array observations of CO$\, (1{-}0)$ in F07599+6508, Z11598 − 0112, F13342 + 3932, and PG1440 + 356, all nearby type-1 AGN and ultraluminous infrared galaxies. We achieve spatial resolution of 1–3 arcsec corresponding to physical scales of 2–8 kpc and spectral resolution of 15–60 km s−1, which enables updated CO$\, (1{-}0)$ redshifts and a detailed morphological view of the cold molecular gas in these sources. The CO$\, (1{-}0)$ luminosities, $L_{CO}^{\prime }$, are in the range 2–12 × 109 K km s−1 pc2 and inferred molecular gas masses, M(H2), are in the range 2–9 × 109 M⊙. The velocity fields and gas distributions do not unambiguously identify any of these sources as having outflows. However, Z11598 − 0112 has signs of infalling material and after the subtraction of a rotating disc model PG 1440 + 356 shows complex kinematics in the residuals that may indicate an outflow or warped disc.

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