
Coconut plantation waste was in massive quantities affecting the environment in the community. Hence, the coconut plantation was charcoal full of carbon. The objective of this research was to study the properties of biochar from coconut plantation waste and the consequences of adopting biochar to mix with organic fertilizer on the growth and lettuce productivity by analyzing the physical and chemical properties of biochar from coconut plantation waste. The organic fertilizer mixed with the biochar on lettuce growth and productivity was investigated by three treatments no application of organic fertilizer (control), the application of organic fertilizer, and the application of organic fertilizer added with potassium humate. The result showed that the highest level of biochar from coconut shells had the total density, total porosity, water holding capacity, C/N ratio, and humidity at the highest level, equaling 0.58 gram/cubic centimeter, 56.50%, 54.25%, 67%, and 2.41%, respectively. The biochar from the coconut leaves had the highest air gap, pH, conductivity, organic carbon, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium quantity, respectively (13.50%, 9.90, 2.34 dS/m, 58.94%, 0.12%, 1.25%, and 2.26%, respectively). The biochar from the fallen young coconut fruits had organic matter, cation exchange, nitrogen, and phosphorus quantity at the highest level: 72.37%, 36.19 cmol/kg, 0.57%, and 2.11%, respectively. The results of the organic fertilizer mixed with biochar and Potassium Humate added formula led to the growth and productivity in all 3 types of lettuce more than not applying organic fertilizers (p<0.05).

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