
The properties of baryons containing one heavy quark are studied in the Skyrme model, where they are treated as bound states of a heavy meson with an SU(2) chiral soliton. In the large- N c limit, the baryon spectrum is an infinite tower of degenerate states with isospin and spin of the light degrees of freedom I = s ℓ = 0, 1, 2,…, and total spin s = |s ℓ ± 1 2 | . Exotic states with no quark model analogues in the large- N c limit are found to beunbound. The Σ c− Λ c mass difference is computed and found to be in good agreement with experiment. The Σ c Σ c π and Σ c Λ c π coupling constants are calculated to leading order in N c in terms of g A, the axial coupling constant of the nucleon. We discuss the extension of our results to SU(3) chiral solitons.

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