
An extracellular α-glucosidase from the thermophilic archaebacterium Thermococcus strain AN1 was purified 875-fold in five steps (Hiload Q-Sepharose, phenyl Sepharose, HPHT-hydroxyapatite, gel filtration and Mono Q chromatography) with a yield of 4%. It is a monomer with a molecular mass of about 60 kDa and a p I around 5. At 98°C, the purified enzyme in buffer has a half-life around 35 min, which is increased to around 215 min in presence of l% ( w v ) dithiothreitol and 1% ( w v ) BSA. Dithiothreitol (1%, w v ) and BSA (0.4%, w v ) also substantially increase the enzyme activity. The K m at 75°C is 0.41 mM with pNP-α- d-glucopyranoside as substrate. The substrate preference of the enzyme is: pNP-α-D-glucoside > nigerose > panose > palatinose > isomaltose > maltose and turanose. No activity was found against starch, pullulan, amylose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, isomaltotriose, cellobiose and β-gentiobiose. A variety of techniques including immobilization (e.g., on epoxy and glass beads), chemical modification (cross- and cocross-linking) and the use of additives (including polyhydroxylic molecules, BSA, salts, etc.) were applied to enhance stability at temperatures above 100°C. The half-life could be increased from about 4 min at 110°C to 30–60 min at 130°C in presence of 90% ( w v ) sorbitol, 1% ( w v ) dithiothreitol and l% ( w v ) BSA, and by cocross-linking with BSA in the presence of 90% ( w v ) sorbitol. The stabilized enzyme showed good activity at 130°C.

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