
In this study, ground coal bottom ash (CBA) and titanium-extraction tailing slag (TS) were used as source materials to prepare alkali- activated materials (AAMs). The effects of grinding time on the properties of CBA and TS were investigated, and it was found that the optimum reactivity of CBA and TS appeared at specific surface areas of 700 ∼ 800 m2/kg. The influence of alkali content and modulus of water glass, water–solid mass (w/b) ratios and TS content on the fresh and hardening properties of AAMs were investigated. Furthermore, the reaction process of the binder was conducted by using XRD, FT-IR, SEM and hydration heat. Results showed that increasing the alkali content, reducing modulus of water glass, and adding TS into system could promote the reaction of AAM. A binder with more desirable properties was prepared at alkali content of 12%, water glass modulus of 1.2, w/b ratio of 0.45 and TS content of 20%. Its compressive strength at 7 d and 28 d was 20.8 MPa and 25.9 MPa, respectively. Microstructure analysis showed that the reaction products of binder contained AFm, N-A-S-H gel, C-S-H gel and C-A-S-H gel. This research tried to provide a fundamental basis for preparing clinker-free cement concrete from local industrial wastes to achieve sustainable development.

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