
We have calculated the coherence and detectable lifetimes of synthetic near-Earth object (NEO) families created by catastrophic disruption of a progenitor as it suffers a very close Earth approach. The closest or slowest approaches yield the most violent ‘s-class’ disruption events where the largest remaining fragment after disruption and reaccumulation retains less than 50% of the parent’s mass. The resulting fragments have a ‘string of pearls’ configuration after their reaccummulation into gravitationally bound components (Richardson, D.C., Bottke, W.F., Love, S.G. [1998]. Icarus 134, 47–76). We found that the average absolute magnitude (H) difference between the parent body and the largest fragment is ΔH∼1.0. The average slope of the absolute magnitude (H) distribution, N(H)∝10(0.55±0.04)H, for the fragments in the s-class families is steeper than the slope of the NEO population (Mainzer, A., et al. [2011]. Astrophys. J. 743, 156) in the same size range. The es remain coherent as statistically significant clusters of orbits within the NEO population for an average of τ¯c=(14.7±0.6)×103yr after disruption. The detectable lifetimes of tidally disrupted families are extremely short compared to the multi-Myr and -Gyr lifetimes of main belt families due to the chaotic dynamical environment in NEO space—they are detectable with the techniques developed by Fu et al. and Schunová et al. (Fu, H., Jedicke, R., Durda, D.D., Fevig, R., Binzel, R.P. [2005]. Icarus 178(2), 434–449 and Schunová, E., Granvik, M., Jedicke, R., Gronchi, G., Wainscoat, R., Abe, S. [2012]. Icarus 220, 1050–1063) for an average duration (τ¯det) ranging from about 2000 to about 12,000years for progenitors in the absolute magnitude (Hp) range from 20 to 13 corresponding to diameters in the range from about 0.5 to 10km respectively. The maximum absolute magnitude of a progenitor capable of producing an observable NEO family (i.e. detectable by our family finding technique) is Hp,max=20 (about 350m diameter). The short detectability lifetime explains why zero NEO families have been discovered to-date. Nonetheless, every tidal disruption event of a progenitor with diameter greater than 0.5km is capable of producing several million fragments in the 1–10m diameter range that can contribute to temporary local density enhancements of small NEOs in Earth’s vicinity. We expect that there are about 1200 objects in the steady state NEO population in this size range due to tidal disruption assuming that one 1km diameter NEO tidally disrupts at Earth every 2500years. These objects may be suitable targets for asteroid retrieval missions due to their Earth-like orbits with corresponding low v∞ which permits low-cost missions. The fragments from the tidal disruptions evolve into orbits that bring them into collision with terrestrial planets or the Sun or they may be ejected from the Solar System on hyperbolic orbits due to deep planetary encounters. The end-state for the fragments from a tidal disruption at Earth have ∼5× the collision probability with Earth compared to the background NEO population.

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