
Aims: Study some characteristics of fresh concentrated extract of garlic (FCEG) and analyze its effect on the growth of different bacteria and fungi.
 Place and Duration of Study: Sample: Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Autonomous University of San Luís Potosí, S.L.P., between march and November 2020.
 Methodology: To obtain the FCEG, 15 heads of raw garlic, previously peeled, were ground in a mortar and the suspension obtained was filtered through gauze, pressing to obtain a greater amount of filtrate, and kept covered at 4oC. For the study of some of their characteristics, the yeast Candida albicans was used. Petri dishes containing Sabouraud dextrose agar were inoculated with 1 x 106 yeasts/mL and 50 µL of FCEG, and were incubated at 28oC for 5 days, comparing growth with respect to a control without FCEG (all inhibition experiments described below were performed with the same protocol), while for the study of antifungal properties analyzed the effect of the extract on different strains of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi.
 Results: Some of the factors that modify antifungal activity of FCEG are dilution, incubation temperature, protein concentration, half-life, capping and uncapping of tubes, and treatment with activated carbon. Regarding the growth inhibition analyses, it was found that all the species analyzed were susceptible to FCEG, among which the following stand out: the the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, causing systemic mycoses, the yeasts Cryptococcus neoformans and C. albicans, as well as different species of Dermatophytes, Aspergillus, and bacteria.
 Conclusion: FCEG shows a good antimicrobial effect against a wide variety of bacteria, yeast, and fungal species, which makes its application in medical therapy and agriculture, as well as being cheap, easy to obtain and does not cause side effects, although more studies are required for its therapeutic application.

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