
AbstractPedons representing soil properties within three mapping units of the Wymore soil series were studied to determine if they were correctly classified and named. Present concept of the three units suggests that they differ in slope and/or erosion class, but that they are within the concept of fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Aquic Arquidolls. Pendons representing the noneroded, 0–2% slope unit (Wt) and the noneroded, 2–7% slope unit (WtC) exhibited properties that supported their present classification. However, 64% of the pedons sampled in the delineations representing the eroded, 2–7% slope unit (WtC2), and consequently the pedon representative of the WtC2 unit, had an epipedon that appeared to have been formed through tillage of a subsurface horizon. Established criteria for the mollic epipedon and the agrillic subsurface horizon were not evident. An ochric epipedon and cambic subsurface horizon existed in this pedon. These features plus a high base saturation, lack of pedogenic lime and mottling in the solum supported placement of the pedon representative of the WtC2 unit in the subgroup Aquic Dystric Eutrochrept. This pedon is representative of > 45,000 ha in the region of its existence.

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