
Tamoxifen (TAM) is widely used as therapy in early breast cancer and first-line endocrine therapy in metastatic disease. Despite this therapy, many patients relapse and an important question is: What is the preferred sequence of endocrine therapies in metastatic breast cancer (MBC). While treatment with oophorectomy, aminoglutethimide or progestins have been a logical choice after failure to Tamoxifen recent research has extended the options for endocrine therapy of MBC. New selective aromatase inhibitors (AI) are now in clinical use. The first commercially available of these inhibitors is LENTARON. The active ingredient of LENTARON is a steroidal compound 4-OH-androstenedione: Formestane. It is presented as a depot formulation and applied as an i.m. injection of 250 mg every second week. Previous findings from phase II trials have indicated similar activity as other endocrine treatment modalities. Clinical investigations in properly conducted phase III trials have revealed that the efficacy of LENTARON matches the results which can be obtained with TAM and Megace in trials of first and second-line endocrine therapy. Fifty-four and 51% of MBC patients, respectively, did benefit from therapy with LENTARON in these phase III trials by achieving objective responses or stable disease. Moreover, similar overall survival was seen. The systemic tolerability of LENTARON is comparable to that of TAM, and LENTARON seems less systemically toxic than Megace. Local side effects occured in approximately 7% of the patients giving rise mainly to pain or inflammation at the injection site. In elderly patients, LENTARON therapy assures compliance and no interference with other oral medications has been observed. In conclusion, since the endocrine treatment modalities are comparable in terms of efficacy the optimal sequence of these treatments is based upon differences in tolerability. Patients previously treated with Tamoxifen and with a high probability of a further endocrine response could preferably be treated with a selective AI like LENTARON as second-line endocrine therapy followed by a progestin upon progression in responders.

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