
Abstract : Although the center of gravity on the U.S.-led Global War on Terror (GWOT) and radical Islam is Iraq, Africa has emerged into the spotlight of global counter-terror operations because of repeated appearances of Africans among the foreign fighters in Iraq and mounting evidence that this continent will become the next al Qaeda hotbed. After dismantling Taliban leadership in Afghanistan, Special Operations Forces (SOF) have proven their effectiveness in fighting this non-traditional enemy, particularly with the help of partner-nation militaries. As the designated lead on synchronizing the GWOT efforts for DOD, US SOF remain focused on the Middle East, while continuing to operate in other regions where terrorists may seek sanctuary. The main U.S. efforts to combat terrorism in Africa have been focused on Somalia and the Horn of Africa. This threat now has expanded to the Trans-Sahara region, also known as Pan Sahel, where traditional caravan routes can provide hideouts and staging areas for international and regional terrorists and criminals. This paper analyzes the proper role of SOF Operations in the Pan Sahel region of Africa during phase zero operations.

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