
Dependency parsing is a decision problem of the syntactic relation between words in a sentence. Recently, deep learning models are used for dependency parsing based on the word representations in a continuous vector space. However, it causes a mislabeled tagging problem for the proper nouns that rarely appear in the training corpus because it is difficult to express out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words in a continuous vector space. To solve the OOV problem in dependency parsing, we explored the proper noun embedding method according to the embedding unit. Before representing words in a continuous vector space, we replace the proper nouns with a special token and train them for the contextual features by using the multi-layer bidirectional LSTM. Two models of the syllable-based and morpheme-based unit are proposed for proper noun embedding and the performance of the dependency parsing is more improved in the ensemble model than each syllable and morpheme embedding model. The experimental results showed that our ensemble model improved 1.69%p in UAS and 2.17%p in LAS than the same arc-eager approach-based Malt parser.

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