
We present the results of a deep optical-near-infrared multi-epoch survey covering 2.5 square degrees of the Pleiades open star cluster to search for new very-low-mass brown dwarf members. A significant (~ 5 year) epoch difference exists between the optical (CFH12k I-, Z-band) and near infrared (UKIRT WFCAM J-band) observations. We construct I,I-Z and Z,Z-J colour magnitude diagrams to select candidate cluster members. Proper motions are computed for all candidate members and compared to the background field objects to further refine the sample. We recover all known cluster members within the area of our survey. In addition, we have discovered 9 new candidate brown dwarf cluster members. The 7 faintest candidates have red Z-J colours and show blue near-infrared colours. These are consistent with being L and T-type Pleiads. Theoretical models predict their masses to be around 11 Jupiter masses. There is 1 errata for this paper

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