
It has long been known that only one-electron excitations are available from adiabatic time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). This is particularly clear in Casida's formulation of TDDFT linear response theory. Nevertheless the explicit inclusion of two- and higher-electron excitations is necessary for an adequate description of some excited states, notably the first excited singlet states of butadiene and quartet excited states of molecules with a doublet ground state. The equation-of-motion superoperator approach is used here to derive a Casida-like propagator equation which can be clearly separated into an adiabatic part and a nonadiabatic part. The adiabatic part is identified as corresponding to Casida's equation for adiabatic TDDFT linear response theory. This equivalence is confirmed by deriving a general formula which includes the result that Gonze and Scheffler derived to show the equivalence of TDDFT and Gorling-Levy adiabatic connection perturbation theory for the exchange-only optimized effective potential. The nonadiabatic part explicitly corrects adiabatic TDDFT for two- and higher-electron excitations. The "dressed TDDFT" of Maitra, Zhang, Cave, and Burke is obtained as a special case where the ground state is closed shell. The extension of dressed TDDFT to the case where the ground state is an open-shell doublet is presented, highlighting the importance of correctly accounting for symmetry in this theory. The extension to other ground state spin symmetries is a straightforward consequence of the present work.

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