
The observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) have revealed the weak dis- turbances (WDs) propagating in the fan-like coronal loops of the active region (AR 11092) at 171 ˚A, 193 ˚A, and 211 ˚A. These WDs seem to be a common phenomenon in this part of the active region. The disturbances originate from the bright loop foot, and propagate along the loops. The observed propagation speed decreases with the increasing temperature, and varies between 40km/s and 121km/s, close to and less than the sound speed in coronal loops. Consid- ering the projection effect and the different angles of the loops with respect to the line of sight, this is exactly what the slow-wave model expects. The wavelet analysis shows that the periods of the WDs observed in different wavebands have no significant difference, the two distinct periods, 3min and more than 10min, are all detected in the three EUV wavebands. Not only the coronal loops but also the sunspot region in the chromosphere exhibit intensity oscillations with a period of the order of 3min. This result suggests that the sunspot oscillations can propagate into the corona through the chromosphere and transition region.

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