
We describe the functionality and impact of the software used to compute the stability analysis of the reflection map for a corrugated 2D and 3D waveguide recently presented in Gradoni et al., (2021). The stability analysis is based on the Lyapunov errors (LE) and reversibility errors (RE, REM) indicators. Those indicators are the kernel of our software. The LE indicator is based on the linear response to small random displacements of the initial condition, the RE is based on the evolution of a small additive noise, while the REM indicator is based on the evolution of round-off after a forward and backward integration of the reflection map. • Chaos indicators. LE independent on initial vector, RE related to LE by recurrence. • Corrugated waveguides. 4D ray map exhibits transition from regular to chaotic motion. • Channel capacity. Its variation with the corrugation amplitude is computed.

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