
Tractable analytic expressions are developed for a variety of basic statistical quantities involving a Gaussian-beam wave propagating through a random medium confined to a portion of the propagation path between input and output planes, the limiting case of which defines a thin random phase screen. For a plane wave incident on a phase screen located midway between input and output planes, it is well known that the statistics in the receiver plane are in close agreement with those associated with a plane wave propagating through an extended random medium between input and output planes. For a similar comparison between a phase screen and extended turbulence in the case of a Gaussian-beam wave at the input plane, the present analysis reveals that the phase screen must be positioned between input and output planes differently from the plane-wave case, the position being dependent upon the Fresnel ratio of the Gaussian beam. The analytic results developed in this paper for the thin phase screen model are based on the Kolmogorov power-law spectrum for refractive-index fluctuations and the Rytov approximation. Extension of these results to multiple phase screens is also discussed.

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