
This article examines the process of including representatives of the scientific and academic circles of Norway and Sweden — famous travelers and researchers Fridtjof Nansen and Sven Hedin — in the political struggle and propaganda activities. In the 19th — early 20th centuries, the scientist became a media personality, whose international and national authority gives him a new status of a national hero, includes him in the political struggle. The status and fame of the Swedish and Norwegian travelers were almost equal, as well as their weight in the international scientific community. Thats why their figures were used by the authorities of Sweden and Norway in a polemical discussion on the pages of the British press in 1905, defending their own positions in the Swedish-Norwegian conflict. The main source is the publications of F. Nansen and S. Hedin in “The Times”. The purpose of this work is to analyze their articles, identify the main discussion topics and the argumentation used. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the publication activity of F. Nansen in the British press was essentially an unofficial diplomacy, the main task of which was to enlist the support of the British public and the authorities, to bring the Swedish-Norwegian contradictions from the status of a “private matter” to the international arena. Swedish propaganda, in fact, was defensive and exculpatory in nature, the main “trump card” of which was the factor of the “Russian threat”.

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